Here we are. Spinning on a rock at 1000 miles an hour. We are going around an explosion called the sun at about 70,000 miles an hour. Our Solar system is orbiting around the center of the galaxy at about 200,000 miles an hour. Our galaxy is flying through space at about 2,000,000 miles an hour. We have phones that can think for us and cars that can drive for us. I figure before our wonderful leaders of the world decide to push the button why not chase a dream. My dream is following the path of a comedian. If you can laugh at yourself, and others without taking any of this shit too serious that is a good start in comedy. I used to think that I did not accomplish anything but that is not true now that I look back over my life.
I have many accomplishments to be proud of. I was one of the wise men in a fourth grade school play. This was an awesome play, seeing that my costume consisted of a bath robe and towel on my head held in place with an old tie. I also manifested one of the dreams that every black man under the age of 45 desired. I was a real life ninja super hero for one day. I used to get bullied by these three brothers in my neighborhood. After school each day they would throw rocks at me, chase me and put a foot or two in my ass from time to time. I was not one to lie down and take it but seeing that I did not live with my four brothers, I had no back up. One day I was at an old flea market. I looked in the far corner and saw a booth with ninja costumes and real weapons. I had a paper route, so I decided to save some money and make some purchases. After a few months, I felt I had enough to buy some gear. I went to the flea market. I bought a ninja costume, some throwing stars and a sword. I also bought some claws that you could put on your hands and feet to climb trees. Halfway through the purchase, the Chinese lady looked at me, in her broken English she asked, "What you do with these things"? I was a quick thinker. "Halloween" was my reply. She said "Halloween in October, this June". Her husband came from behind the booth; they started to talk in their native language. "Two hundred Dolla" the man firmly stated. I gave him two crisp hundred bills, he gave me a bag and nodded and winked at me. You know in some movies when the kid wonders into a magical bookstore or some ancient Asian store and is assisted by a mythical character? That is how I felt. A week later I went to the flea market and the booth was gone. I decided to make my presence known with the three bullies. During school one of the kids threw a book at me in the hallway. I left school early. I stood in front of the full length mirror, there I was, a black ninja in the hood. I knew the brothers hung out in this old garage behind their house down the alley every day after school. I ran down the alley. The door had a padlock. I saw that there was a hole in the roof, next to the roof a tree. I climbed the tree and began to enter the hole. As I looked up, I saw the neighborhood drunk staggering down the alley. We made eye contact. I am not sure what he was thinking. He was starring at a kid with a black ninja suit on climbing through a hole in a garage. He stopped, took out his bottle and took a sip. He then staggered on his way. I waited in the rafters of this garage for about twenty minutes. I heard the brothers at the door. They came through the door, I threw two stars at them, and they stuck in the door. I jumped down. The youngest brother took off instantly. The middle aged brother uttered these words "Aww Hell Naw." He took off. I pulled of my hood. The oldest brother saw that it was me. He said. "Nigga I finna beat yo". Before he finished, I reached to my back and pulled out my sword. He took off. Needless to say, the brothers avoided me from that point. So look through your life, and remember some awesome stories and make some more great memories while you are here. That's my plan.
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